How You Should Prepare for a Wine Tour

pouring wine into glass

A wine tour is an excellent method to learn facts about wine. You will get to try different wines and learn about other flavors. Most wine tours will have a host or winemaker to talk to you about the different wines. They will also answer any questions you have.

You will visit several vineyards and/or wineries, each of which will offer different experiences in terms of location, grape variety, or winemaker.

Before booking a wine tour, you must be well-prepared for it. Here are some tips for you: 

Choose a Location

There are many wine regions worldwide, so you’ll need to decide which one you’d like to visit. Consider the climate, the type of wine produced there and how easy it is to get to.

Do Your Research

Once you’ve decided on a location, it’s time to start researching the different wineries in the area. Find out what kind of wine they produce, how long the tour lasts and how much it costs.

Make a Plan

Once you’ve done your research, it’s time to make a plan. Decide which wineries you’d like to visit and in what order. If you’re staying with friends, make sure everyone is on the same page.

Book in Advance

With the planning done, it’s time to book your tour. Many wine tours need to be booked in advance, so make sure you do this in plenty of time.

Dress Appropriately

When on a wine tour, you’ll be doing a lot of walking and might be outdoors, so dress appropriately. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty.

Don’t Wear Perfume

Wearing perfume or cologne on a wine tour is a surefire way to ruin your experience. Most wineries have a strict no-scent policy, as fragrances can interfere with the wine-tasting experience. If you must wear perfume or cologne, apply it sparingly.

Don’t Forget to Eat before the Wine Tour

Wine tours are a great way to explore new wineries and taste various wines, but it’s important to remember to eat before you go. Drinking wine with an empty stomach can lead to a quick buzz, and you don’t want to miss out on the nuances of each wine. A light meal or snack will help you pace yourself and enjoy the experience.

Pace Yourself

When you’re tasting wine, it’s important to pace yourself. Drink plenty of water between tastings, and don’t hesitate to ask for a break if you need one.

Don’t Forget to Spit

Wine tastings can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not used to drinking wine. It’s important to remember to spit out the wine after each taste so you don’t get too drunk. Don’t worry about doing it because you’ll likely be given a spit bucket for that very purpose.

Have fun

Most importantly, remember to have fun. A wine tour is a great opportunity to try new things and spend time with friends, so make the most of it.


Wine tours can be unique and fun, but you must be prepared for them to truly make the most of your time. You should research the wine tours available and find one that interests you. You should also plan ahead, dress appropriately, and eat if you plan to taste wine. Lastly, be sure to relax and have fun!

Limousine Wine Tours has everything you need to ensure you experience the best wine tours whenever you book them with us. Book our Yarra Valley and Mornington wine tours today!

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